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    Novell Operating System

    Novell,  has proved itself to be very well suited to multinode
    operation.  There are a few configuration options that must be
    setup for a error free enviroment, these are :-

       *  Set RACONFIG enviroment to AT-BIOS,  setting it to
          Auto-Detect give very eratic behaviour and frequent
          crashes. (This is mainly directed to Non-Dedicated
          File servers)

       *  Ensure that the LOGON_NAME which runs each node,  has
          PARENTAL rights to the RA directory,  and has at least
          READ, WRITE, CREATE and OPEN rights in each file area.

       *  Place 'SET RA="<RemoteAccess Directory Name>"' into the
          login script of the LOGIN_NAME of the user tha runs RA.

       *  Give the RA directory a search mapping in Novell, i.e
          'MAP S4:=[<Volume_Name>:\<RA Directory>]' in your
          Login script.

       *  To be on the safe side,  it is wize to run FLAG every
          night in your RA directory with the following options
          'FLAG *.* S RW'.  This ensures that the RA files don't
          get locked but accident.

*  All Novell information is vaild for Novell Version 2.15c Adv.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson